Contact me: 07714 088301
Arranging a Human Givens session
Use the form below or call/text/WhatsApp message me on 07714 088301
I am currently offering a limited number of online sessions on Zoom.
Please contact me for my latest availability and charges, and note that assistance is always available for those struggling financially. I also recommend we have a short chat before you commit to booking a chargeable session.
When I confirm your booking I will email you a privacy and confidentiality agreement detailing how your personal data will be collected and stored. 24 hours prior to the session you will receive a link to a confidential online questionnaire covering aspects of your emotional wellbeing. This will help ensure that we make the most of our time together as well as being used to track your progress prior to each further session.
What happens at the first session?
I will ask you to tell me a bit about yourself, the issues you are bringing to the session, and what you would like to change or be able to manage better. Often, just talking things over can help you to feel calmer and think more clearly. I might also share some simple relaxation techniques with you and provide some useful psychological insights. We can then discuss ideas to help address your issues and agree on initial steps to take, which may include some small tasks designed to support the therapeutic process.
What might happen in future sessions?
Each session is unique, depending on your individual experience, and what feels right for you.
How soon will I notice an improvement?
My aim is always to help you to start feeling better from the very first session. You may find a sense of relief from simply having taken a first step towards resolving your issues. Most people find they have made noticeable improvements within a few sessions.
How many sessions will I need?
Assume four to six sessions as a rough guide, but some simple issues may need only one or two sessions, whilst other more complicated issues may need longer. We can discuss next steps at the end of each session.
To start with I usually recommend sessions spaced a week apart, then after the first few they might become less frequent, at which point you are likely to be starting to feel more positive, and already able to live a more complete and satisfying life.
How frequent will the sessions be?
'Every moment is a fresh beginning'
T.S. Elliot
Book an appointment
Privacy and Confidentiality
Any personal information that you share via the website form will be kept in accordance with current Data Protection legislation, and at the enquiry stage will be used solely for the purpose of discussing my provision of services to you. Should you decide to go ahead with using my services, you will receive a privacy and confidentiality agreement detailing how your personal data will be collected and stored. Further details can be provided on request.
Code of Conduct and Complaints
As a member of the institute I am required to abide by the HGI code of conduct.
Details of this code, including the complaints procedure, can be found here