Contact me: 07714 088301
It's not about feeling better, it's about better feeling
Our wellbeing depends on us being able to tune in to our feelings, both physical and emotional, however uncomfortable they might be. These feelings are our internal navigation system, informing how we respond to whatever is happening in and around us. However, if the stresses and strains of life provide continuous discomfort, we may learn to tune out: to become desensitized to our feelings. This is where moving meditation practices such as yoga or qi gong can be a help. By building our physical self-awareness they enable us to get back in touch with ourselves, so we can begin to heal.
For the last 30 years, my yoga practice has helped me to start each day feeling grounded and calm. About a dozen years ago I came across Godfrey Devereux, and subsequently qualified to teach his gentle yet profound style of yoga. A class involves flowing through a series of simple and nourishing postures that help us to tune in to subtle sensations being generated within our bodies. As we become more sensitized to what we can feel, we learn to refine the postures to amplify the more pleasant sensations, dissolving tensions in both body and mind. Over time, we may begin to develop a sense of safe and secure connection with the world around us: a deep, embodied resilience.
More information can be found at:
Sessions are currently offered on a one to one or small group basis only: use the form to enquire.
The world around you is only beautiful when you are
at peace with the world within you
Ecstatic Dance
Another form of moving meditation, dance provides an opportunity to express ourselves freely; to journey through our emotions, shake off physical and emotional tensions and move towards a rich sense of wholeness, of connection with ourselves and others.
My own passion for dance stems from the 90s, when I became involved in London's vibrant house music scene. I then also discovered the joy of sober dance at the London Central YMCA, where I went on to teach high-energy aerobics classes, using my evolving DJ skills to create lively soundtracks for the dancers. About a dozen years ago, I discovered the pioneering work of Ecstatic Dance London's Seth Newman, and it felt like a homecoming. I now run my own ecstatic dances and am known to inspire deeply transformative as well as joyful experiences.
I currently run Dancing Freedom fundraiser events in a beautiful woodland glade in East London, using silent headphones. Use the link below to find out more about upcoming events and recordings of previous events
"More than any other exercise, (dance) has the power to transform how we feel about ourselves"
Dr Peter Lovatt, the Dance Cure